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Ninth E-Newsletter

It’s been another busy quarter for the Diversity Project as we started our efforts towards 2021’s objectives with more focus on inclusion, data and encouraging traditional talent to be ‘allies’.

The context in which we work remains both difficult and at times controversial – no sooner were the uncertainties over mandatory gender pay gap reporting resolved than the Sewell report was published, leading to more division. The Diversity Project’s approach is to focus our energies on achieving measurable progress, to collaborate where possible and to resist the temptation to criticise others. Inevitably, people have differing views on how to achieve diversity and inclusion – and different opinions about how far we’ve come – but nothing much is achieved by arguing. We are grateful for all our members’ efforts and generosity of spirit around sharing ideas that deliver progress towards a more inclusive industry.

Amongst the quarter’s highlights:

  • We have engaged on how the national strategy for disabled people should move forwards
  • We have launched two new podcast series (Spotlight on Women in Investments and Diversity Project Podcasts)
  • We have been exploring a kitemark for member firms who are making good progress on inclusion
  • We have held a number of webinars including one on the urgent need to focus on women post-pandemic and for marketing specialists within member firms who want to join up firm and DP efforts
  • We have launched a project to help member firms with hybrid working policies
  • We have analysed the issues preventing firms collecting more comprehensive data on diversity and case studies showing how these barriers can be overcome

Finally, I’d like to encourage you to publish your gender pay gap data as soon as it is ready, irrespective of whether it’s required for a firm of your size.

Thank you and with best wishes,


Diversity Project is almost 5 years old and book launch

The Diversity Project will be five in June! To mark the occasion Steve Butler, the CEO of Punter Southall Aspire and one of our active Advisory members, has written a book about us. It covers the DP project from inception to today, featuring some key achievements and specific workstreams. It also focuses on the issues of how to build an inclusive culture and how to address them. If you are interested in finding out more, contact us. All profits will go to the Diversity Project Charity.

Gender Equality

Helena interviews the Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP on the Government’s perspective on gender equality at Moving Ahead’s Gender Balance Summit.

The Skills Workshop

A six month program (June to November) run by #TAB in partnership with the CFA UK Society and the Diversity Project. Events are aimed at university age students (interns and graduates) to help increase the success of ethnic minorities gaining access the industry. More to follow shortly, so stay tuned!

Male Allyship webinar

Find out practical ways men can become better allies to women. Featuring; Jon Terry, Kathleen Hughes, Mitesh Sheth, Sarai Jacob-Whelan and Mark Freed. If you want to become a male ally, get in touch.


LGBT+ Great marked LGBT History

Month by launching the ‘A New Frontier: LGBT+ lens investing for the 2020s’ research in partnership with Equality Group, LGBT Capital and the Bisi Alimi Foundation.

What makes an Inclusive Leader?

Is there a gap between what leaders think and what their employees think? Watch this informative webinar by Leading Figures, featuring the Diversity Project’s Helena Morrissey, Jane Welsh and Steve Butler. Some very interesting personal stories.

Social Mobility

We’ve launched our new webpage on this interesting topic – do take a look! Also, you will have seen that a taskforce has been set up with the aim to improve social mobility in City of London.

Being more accessible for people with disabilities

We have been busy behind the scenes. The Disability workstream presents a panel featuring unique experiences of how they’ve personally navigated remote working and some advice for organisations. If your organisation wants to become Disability Confident, please get in touch.

The UK Military Response to Covid

Hear from serving officers, and our head of the Military Vets workstream about how they responded to Covid and how their aptitude, ability and adaptability are transferable skills that could be deployed within your firm by hiring armed forces veterans.



  • Ashley Fagan, Tim Roberts and Philip Fielding appeared in Investment Week (p. 10) to discuss combatting the taboo of disability and the difficulties they present to investment leaders.
  • Rachel Green appeared in Investment Week (p. 14) exploring her Caribbean identity and advocating for the “unique perspective and valuable contribution” that difference provides to the industry.
  • Sachin Bhatia featured in the Times Raconteur discussing how to tackle the diversity problem within pensions.
  • Rosanna Burcheri and Gareth Miller spoke to Investment Week (p.7) about the flexible working practices.
  • The LGBT Great research report was covered in Money Marketing, Citywire Wealth Manager, Wealthnet and two pieces in FT Adviser, including an exclusive op-ed by Matt Cameron.



Recruiting Diverse Talent

Find out what Janus Henderson is doing to hire more senior women.

A New Approach to Flexible Working

Read the new approach to flex working that Schroders is taking.

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