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Diversity in investment management benchmarking study

Date: 20th September 2017

The purpose of this study:

  1. Understand the level of diversity in the investment and savings industry in the UK, primarily in Investment Management roles
  2. Determine what it would take to improve diversity, including any goals to be set for the industry
  3. Understand the motivation of employees in the industry
  4. Explore how people entered IM and what they like and don’t like about their work
  5. Highlight barriers to inclusion in the companies

The methodology used:

  • The Diversity Project engaged Mercer to conduct employee-level research into the level of diversity in the investment and savings industry in the UK
  • Mercer utilised a framework recently developed in Australia and confirmed participation from 24 firms in the UK
  • Three groups of employees were surveyed: Current Investment Managers, Former Investment Managers and Adjacent Talent
  • The survey closed on 26 May 2017

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