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Understanding Domestic Abuse: Recognising the signs and how to help

Date: 07/02/2024
Location: Virtual

Did you know that is estimated that 2.1 million people (aged 16 and over) experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2023 in England and Wales? 

The Diversity Project is organising a webinar to help our members and our community gain a better understanding around this sensitive topic, which impacts everyone.

The webinar will address these questions: What constitutes Domestic Abuse? What are the signs and behaviours around it? How can you spot domestic abuse (in your own case and in others around you)? How do we create an environment where individual safe with disclosing? What should you do when a disclosure happens? 

We will draw on the lived experience brought by our panellists and the organisation “I Choose Freedom”. 

Join our webinar to deepen our understanding on the topic, and discover how to create a supportive environment which can make a true difference in someone’s life.

Time: 12pm-1:30pm

Emma Armstrong
Deputy CEO & Head of Services
I Choose Freedom
Emma Armstrong | I Choose Freedom

Amit Singh
Head of Inclusion, Diversity & Engagement
AXA Investment Managers

Madeline Forrester
Senior Managing Director
Head of Global Consultant Relations

Lindsey Bass
Mental Health workstream co-lead

Monique King
Menopause workstream co-lead

Event Videos

Understanding Domestic Abuse: Recognising the signs and how to help

Member Quotes

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