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Diversity Project’s Inclusive Culture Guide for CEOs

Date: 18/03/2022
Curious about what shifts the inclusion dial? This webinar discussed the practical steps that are being taken to level the playing field and create a sense of belonging.

Speakers were

  • Helen Dean CBE, CEO, Nest Pensions
  • Jayne Styles, former CEO MS Amlin Investment Management Limited
  • Mitesh Sheth, MBE, Chief Investment Officer, Multi-Asset, Newton Investment Management
  • Steve Butler, CEO, Punter Southall Aspire
  • Stuart White, CEO, HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd


“Progress on hiring more diverse people will only translate into greater diversity at all levels of an organisation if new recruits feel included and have opportunities to develop.  Developing an inclusive workplace culture is now recognised as critical in the ‘war for talent’ – the problem is ‘how?’ This Inclusive Culture guide is full of ideas to help CEOs of investment firms to make practical, straightforward interventions to alter even entrenched behaviours and attitudes. It tackles a big problem through multiple manageable steps – starting from the top.”

– Baroness Helena Morrisey.

“An inclusive culture is not simply about accommodating difference.  It is about incorporating the value of difference into everything that you do.  These helpful guides give practical steps that can be taken to achieve this aim.”
– Peter Horrell, UK Chairman, Fidelity International.

“The CEO Inclusive Culture Guide provides up to date, pragmatic yet insightful advice, tool kits and experiences in one helpful digest that is easily accessible to the busy executive,”
– Dame Elizabeth Corley, Chair Designate, Schroders and Chair, Impact Investing Institute.  

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Inclusive culture guide for CEOs Jayne Styles and Helena Morrissey discussion

Diversity Project's Inclusive Culture Guide for CEO

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