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Acknowledging and Managing Anxiety

Date: 13/02/2021
It is estimated that close to 20% of adults suffer from anxiety in any one year.  It is likely that we have all either experienced anxiety, or work or live with people suffering from it. Yet it is rarely talked about and many people will try to hide their anxiety.

COVID 19 is probably making the situation even worse for many people who are coping with home schooling, loneliness and concerns around employment security.

Chaired by Katy Halliday, the DP head of the Mental Health workstream she will be joined by Jane Welsh, former investment consultant with Willis Towers Watson and co-founder of the Diversity Project.

Jane describes her own experiences of anxiety and how she found a way to manage it.  She will describe what triggered her anxiety, how she got help and the techniques she uses to stay well. Jane will talk about her own imposter syndrome – something that affects around 70% of people at some point in their lives – which was one of the triggers of her own anxiety.



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Acknowledging and Managing Anxiety

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