Hello and I hope you’re having a great summer!
We’re now roughly half-way through our initial (self-imposed) five year plan to achieve a real impact on the diversity within the UK savings and investment industry; it is wonderful to see the energy, enthusiasm and commitment to change – right across the industry and from both senior leadership and newer entrants. Very many thanks to everyone involved.
The results are lagging, though; progress remains slow and measures such as the gender pay gap data continue to show that our industry still has a long way to go before we truly have a diverse workforce and inclusive culture.
The DP has entered that tricky zone where fatigue may easily set in. We’re switching gears up; so this year’s annual seminar is on the theme ‘Time to Deliver’ and will showcase what it really takes to transform behaviours and enable diverse talent to progress. Do register and join us on 1st of Oct from 4pm at the Willis Towers Watson Lime Street office.
Please click here to see the full agenda.
At the event, we’ll be recognising some of those who’ve already made a huge contribution to the Diversity Project through our DP Champion Awards. Nominate someone who you think deserves the accolade (the deadline is midnight, 18 August).
I’m also pleased to let you know that we have launched the #Included AWM Wealth and Asset Management Chapter.
With best wishes,
The diversity inclusion illusion:
An excellent read by Dr. Paul Campbell, about why companies are further behind in reality in terms of D&I.
LGBT Great 50 for 50: the power of role models:
Showcasing 50 executive leaders across our industry and to recognise the 50 years since the Stonewall movement began. Meet our 50 executives from a broad range of firms globally, at C-Suite and executive level here. Also, take a look at our newly launched DP LGBT+ webpage.
We are delighted to have launched our DP Neuroinclusion webpage, with lots of helpful information from glossaries to the business case and more. Would you like to be a Neurodiverse role model? Please get into contact here.
Early Careers:
We surveyed 21 of our members firms to ask about their approach to finding, interviewing and on-boarding diverse new hires at a junior level. Here we share current best practices.
The Imposter Phenomenon:
Read Sarah Dudney’s, Client Partner at The Buy-Side Club and member of the DP Steering Committee, interesting blog on this phenomenon, the limitations that puts on individuals, asset management companies, pension funds and consultants and how they may miss out on diverse candidates.
The 30% Club Cross-Company Mentoring Programme 2019:
We held a showcase event for a mentoring programme at the beginning of the summer. It is the World’s largest cross-company mentoring programme and is delivered by mentoring and development experts, Women Ahead, on behalf of the 30% Club. This is a nine-month programme in which female mentees are matched with senior male or female mentors from another organisation. We had a great uptake so far, but there is still time to sign-up, to find out more please contact Kate Howlett.
We were pleased to welcome over 70 attendees to the DP’s Returners Employer Event – A Source of Untapped Talent, on the 13th of June kindly hosted by Aviva Investors, in collaboration with Women Returners. Here are 11 great video snippets for you to enjoy from the event.
Is data driving inclusivity and impacting ethnic minority representation? Our very own Jon Terry a member of the DP Steering Committee, is interviewed by DiverCity podcasts.
The Diversity Project’s Ethnicity workstream #TalkAboutBlack in collaboration with the City of London are hosting a full day event educating recent graduates, second, and third year students on front office careers available to them within the asset manager industry. The ultimate aim of this event is to increase black representation and ensure a pipeline of future talent.
Candidates will hear from sponsoring Asset Managers’ CEOs and hear the personal experiences of black fund managers and distribution representatives across the industry, as well as a variety of workshops to ready them for the recruitment process.
If you would like to know more, please contact [email protected].