I am Black-British, London-born to Jamaican parents. But go back another generation or two and you’ll find some Nigerian in there, some Scottish (yes, Brodie), and much more besides.
I’ve had a passion for economics and finance since my first A-Level class. I pursued it first to the University of Manchester, and then to various investment banking and consultancy roles in London, Paris, and Frankfurt. With some reluctance, I picked up a couple of languages along the way.
I currently run a consultancy firm, Prospecta, that specialises in bringing the most valuable insights of behavioural economics to financial services firms. One of the lessons of that discipline is that our decision-making is flawed in systematic ways.
Whether we are selecting an investment or an investment manager, what we perceive to be the ‘right’ choice often lacks objectivity. I am committed to helping our clients undo those biases and get the most from the intellectual resources available to them.