There’s no question that we’re living through a challenging time. Covid-19 has ripped up the rulebook on what normal work looks like, and many of us have been required to do a juggling act as our work and home lives have become more and more blended.
But if there’s a flip side, it’s that working more flexibly, even in these unusual circumstances, is helping us all understand how, when and where we work best. And this is creating an opportunity to transform the way we work, and enjoy a fulfilling career whilst working flexibly.
This Timewise Toolkit is a practical guide to help you think through how you could take this new-found flexibility into future ways of working. It’s in three short sections:
Part 1: Understanding the different flexible working options, and assessing how to balance your needs with those of your organisation
Part 2: Deciding what kind of flexibility best matches your needs and how you could make it work
Part 3: Preparing a business case that sets out how being more flexible will benefit your team
It includes three practical helpsheets, designed to provide a structure for mapping out your plans. You’ll also find some useful links to further reading and some inspirational case studies that show how others have made a success of working flexibly.