The Diversity Project’s SMART Working workstream has recently run a survey in partnership with Qlearsite with over 500 participants in the investments and savings industry taking part.
This study represents an industry level insight into employees needs and wants instrumental for organisations to cultivate flexible working best practice and people’s strategies.
Key findings include:
- 92% of respondents agree that their organisation is able to maintain good ways of working and are supported to do their jobs effectively regardless of work location
- 78% of participants agree that they are more productive when they are working home
- 66% of respondents agree that they don’t see the workplace as their primary work location in the future
Our study shows that the investments and savings industry is ahead of the curve when it comes to enabling employees to work more flexibly, however we still have loads to do when it comes to creating and nurturing inclusive cultures supported by flexible working best practices.
Large majority of respondents feel more productive working flexibly and don’t see the office as their primary work location in the future. These findings are supporting and reinforcing our call for action outlined in SMART Working Manifesto for Change published earlier this year.
The demand for flexibility in location, working hours and contractual flexibility is higher than ever, and we predict this trend will only continue to grow. For organisations to retain and attract best and most diverse talent it’s important to view sustainable and effective SMART Working as a powerful tool to Build Back Better.