The #embRACEyourcareer series consists of eight videos, where highly accomplished ethnically diverse senior investment leaders share their insights and thoughts on:
- What it takes to be leadership ready
- The importance of authenticity, sponsorship and networking in the workplace
- Building career opportunities
- The advice they would give their younger selves
Meet the Speakers
Learn more about the evolution of the Series from the project team:
Mitesh Sheth – Using the toolkit
Mitesh Sheth discusses how his firm have used the #embRACEyourCareer toolkit, and how it has benefited them.
Barriers To Progression
“Not being able to feel like others can relate to your story can make you feel small” – Mitesh Sheth, CIO Multi Asset, Newton IM.
“You can’t have change, when it’s just a headline” – Rita Bajaj, Independent Non Executive Director.
“I always just felt strongly about my roots, my background who I am how I was brought up and that’s always been a part of who I was, that I was not willing to cover up or appear differently from” – Hani Kablawi, Chairman of International, BNY Mellon
“You’re expected to conform, you’re expected to fit in and it’s very easy in a desire to succeed – to fit in – to actually become someone who is different to the real person you are.” – Ashok Gupta, Chair Mercer UK
Leadership Ready
“It’s not showing ambition from a vacuum…but actually showing a willingness to step up and take accountability” – Hani Kablawi, Chairman of International, BNY Mellon
“Someone showing ambition should be considered positive. It’s good to show you have ambition. It’s okay to show it.” – Ozge Usta, Head of Sustainability Delivery, HSBC Asset Management
“To be recognised as a future leader, you really need to behave as one…because perception generally becomes reality.” – Nita Patel, Chief Compliance Officer, Credit Suisse Asset Management and UK IB
Opportunities to increase expertise
“We need to have different types of leaders, because if everybody is exactly the same kind of leader, it goes slightly against the whole concept of diversity, and having different types of people…people that are leading in different ways…that’s going to make it diverse really, in a true sense of the word.” – Natalia Krol, Managing Director, EM Debt Barings
“As a leader you need to think about yourself as walking round with a torch in your head and anyone who comes into your light should feel differently when they exit that light than when they came in and you need to be very conscious and very aware of the impact you have on that individual.” – Ashok Gupta, Chair, Mercer UK
“If you want some sort of progression, ask for it. No one’s going to notice you just sitting in the corner.” – Rita Dhutt, Independent Non-Executive Director
“One person saw the insight and intellect that I had…they gave me the opportunity and since then I really haven’t looked back” – Nachu Chockalingam, Senior Credit Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes
“It was navigating opportunities that I wouldn’t otherwise have had and making me the person and the woman, the voice in the room” – Nita Patel, Chief Compliance Officer, Credit Suisse Asset Management & UK IB
Leadership / Boards
“It’s about being very clear that this isn’t a tick box exercise. It’s something to actually move the dial and to benefit the firm in its ability to be dynamic and to change as the industry changes, and we can’t do that if we all look the same.” – Rita Bajaj, Independent Non-Executive Director
“I think looking internally, maybe from less obvious places…maybe from a different department and not a straightforward fit, but somebody that you can train, or somebody that you know has potential you can work with. I think this is something that’s often overlooked.” – Natalia Krol, Managing Director, EM Debt, Barings
“Building a diverse and inclusive firm wasn’t just about attracting diverse talent. It was about creating an environment in which that talent could thrive and succeed and progress.” – Mitesh Sheth MBE, CIO Multi Asset, Newton IM
Advice To My Younger Self
“Your career accountability lies with you, you are in charge of your career, no one else” – Yoshie Phillips
“Own your differences… Because the beaten path wasn’t created by someone who looked like me” – Mitesh Sheth
“How you project yourself in a business really determines your success” – Ashok Gupta