by Abigael | Sep 20, 2022 | Blog
Jenni says, “At first, I seemed like an ordinary baby with no issues and then as I became a toddler my Nana noticed that I was waddling differently.” Jenni was referred to the hospital for a check. Surgeons can manipulate the bones to do an operation before the age of... by Abigael | May 30, 2022 | Blog
‘Has anyone told you that you have MS?’ was the first time I have had to personally think about Multiple Sclerosis. What the heck! The statement came out of the blue. My Mum was diagnosed with a non-progressing MS when she was in her late 50’s. Mum gave up working in... by Abigael | May 24, 2022 | Blog
Jenni’s sister has epilepsy. It was diagnosed later in her life. There were subtle signs, but her family were unfamiliar with epilepsy and didn’t know what the signs were to look out for. Her sister experienced more fits in her sleep and as a child Jenni remembers... by Abigael | Feb 8, 2022 | Blog
So people often ask me the similarities between my old job as an Officer in the Parachute Regiment in the British Army, and my new job in Project Management in Financial Services. * no hills were attacked during this note! Well, they don’t actually ask me for... by Abigael | Jan 24, 2022 | Blog
As a leaving present, I was given recruitment forms for fast food joints that the Wardroom had collected on their run ashore around Gibraltar. A vote of confidence from my erstwhile comrades… Leaving the mob was a scary prospect. I’d spent hours during watches... by Abigael | Nov 18, 2021 | Blog
The 3rd December marks ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’ – a day for celebration, learning and action. The theme for this year is ‘Not All Disabilities Are Visible’, raising awareness of disabilities which may not be immediately apparent but still...