Following the launch of our new analysis showing the gender pay gap in the investment management sector has deteriorated, there has been wide coverage in the media.
See below for links to some of the coverage:
‘Depressing’ gender pay gap widens in fund management firms
Kalyeena Markatoff
#MeTooPay campaign launched to end gender pay discrimination
Kalyeena Markatoff
At U.K. Investment Management Firms, Gender Pay Gap Widens
David Hellier
The Gender Pay Gap Is Bad in Finance, Particularly Among Asset Management Firms
Adrian Croft
Gender pay gap widens in one of UK’s most lucrative industries
Yahoo Finance
Lianna Brinded
Asset managers called out over ‘depressing’ gender pay gaps
Financial News
Bérengère Sim
Asset managers struggle to address diversity
Ignites Europe
Mary McDougall
Gender pay gap in UK investment management deteriorates
Rachel Fixsen
Time to take ‘bolder approach’ as asset management gender pay gap continues to rise
Investment Week
Anna Fedorova
Gender pay gap deteriorates, study finds
Funds Europe
Alex Rolandi
Fund management gender pay gap shows no improvement
Natasha Turner